Sunday, April 18, 2010

something you might not know

This is just some amazing things Israel is doing to Palestinians (aka my people).

Troubled Waters" is a short report about the water problem and the discriminatory policies that Israel imposes on the Palestinian population.
"As the occupier power , Israel has an obligation to take care of the needs of the population under its occupation, and its failing to do so."

Another 3 minute movie about the water problem.
Israel knows that many Palestinians depend on water for income since they work in agriculture. Cutting off water or giving them less supplies of water (that is sometimes polluted) than the settlers next to them makes it hard for them to cultivate the land to sell their crops, and if they manage to do it would be hard to compete in the market. This means that people have no income and they are forced to move out their land, and that makes it possible for Israel to expand and gain those lands as "state lands." Water is important because without it, nothing is possible.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

KH how i hate you

Dear whoever:
Week went well I got my o chem test back and I did well on it. Yet again I’m very surprised. This week KH came in and decided that that they wanted to put in new carpets, which meant that I had to move everything out of my room. I just don’t understand why they couldn’t w8 till I was out of the apartment in two weeks. so now all my stuff is in a pile in the living room, and it sucks cause I can’t find anything oh, and the fact that I’m moving out in two weeks makes it pointless to move thing back into the room. So I’ going to be living off a pile. This weekend was good, I skipped my classes on Friday and had a day off. I hung out with drew and alex and watched riff traxs new moon it was GREAT….then Saturday night me and zach hung out watched rat race which was stupid. We also watched conference , and I’m sad to say I slept through most of it. Well I better peace out

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ice cream can slove anything

Dear whoever
So on Monday I did very well on my English presentation YESS!!!! Then the next day I took an o chem. test, I was in there for about 4 hours. How did I do? I don’t know I’m too scared to predict. Then I was suppose to take another midterm on Friday but my professor is going to give it to the class for a take home YESS!!!. So that was a relief. I kinda just chilled the rest of the week after ochem. You kinda need to. Then Friday came around me and Zach did a number of fun activities, including: going to a senior dance show case to see Ariana ( my roommate) dance, her dance was seriously the best, the song Is still stuck in my head. Then me and zach went to eat, and then watched the cutes movie ever, “how to train your dragon”. Saturday, I pretty much hung out with Jeri so that meant no homework. Bad Besan Bad. Then I lost my keys somehow and that was very frustrating, I don’t know why but I got so upset about it (PMS?) so zach took me to get ice cream to make me feel better, we went to my apartment after that to look for my keys, I cleaned out my room then Zach found them in the trash HOW THE HECK DID THEY GET THERE. Anyway I guess I have a clean room now. We then went to watch a movie “My sister’s keeper” way good movie. Sunday was amazing (awesome weather) me and Zach took a nap in the park for like 2 hours it was glorious.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Condoms and bannas ...Say what???

Dear whoever
This week I have been preparing myself for an O. chem. exam. I was actually very surprised at my diligence. This is because I finished all my Monday homework on Wednesday in preparation for the o chem. exam. I started studying O chem on Thursday, but it was not very successful as I wanted it to be because I just wasn’t in the mood to study, and it went downhill from there. Friday I hardly studied, and Saturday, I hardly did any of that either. Today I studied a bunch. My exam is on Tuesday wish me luck. Oh and tomorrow I have an English presentation also wish me luck for that.
Ok now the fun part what did I do this weekend. Well on Friday, me and Jeri went to work out together, it was carzy, then we went to buy condoms ( she was having a bridal shower, and wanted to play the game, put the condom on the Banana), we then watched a movie yay!
Saturday was such a pretty day so sunny, I got to talk to my mommy, and me and Zach went on a Picnic. We then chilled and were suppose to go to jump on it but that never happened (ofc with my friends). Instead we watched a movie, that was actually very funny. “dirty rotten scandrals “ . today was great went to see jeri talk in stake conference, gave my lesson, and then saw “life” air on discovery, it was awesome, I hope one day Zach gets me “planet Earth”.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

mucus, YUMMY!!!

Dear whoever:
I had a religion test I had to take this week. The thing is I hate taking religion classes at BYU, I feel that is not so much about the spiritual stuff its more about the facts, how does knowing about who basshsha is and where he came from going to help my spirit grow.
On a happier note, it was zach’s b-day on Wednesday, and I got him a backpack (his old one was ugly) and a movie ( 500 days of summer best movie ever), and a bobble head of Captain Kirk. We then went out to olive garden . Friday night me, zach, and Jeri partied like no other strutting our stuff on the dance floor. The next day Saturday I woke up sick. But my cold was very nice to me, and I don’t feel all that bad, but I hate the fact that mucus is running down my face every 2 sec. Today was good I went to zach’s ward and it was great, I really like his ward, and not just cause he is there, I like it cause people there are not fake like in my ward. Ok it is time for me to peace out

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dear whoever:
This week was not bad. I got two tests back and I actually did really well on them. My old testament I got a 95% on it I was pretty surprised and then I got my ochem test. I really thought I was going to fail this test like no other, I grabbed my test and I actually did well on it, I got a 89% believe me I’m still shocked. The rest of the week went ok considering the fact that I did not have much homework due. But this week will be great, I have 2 papers due a big religion Quiz and Test.
This weekend I procrastinated so badly, I got my nails done and put a full set of acrylic on, this is the first time in my life that I have done this. It feels so wired and they kind of hurt. Then I went for the last round of apartment shopping. And I made my choice BDA it is, now all I have to do is call them yay! That night I procrastinated planning my Sunday lesson school yet again so instead of Zach and I going to watch a movie “princes and the fog” we planned my lesson instead. Sorry babe. It was great (sarcastic) I mean the whole thing was about sex, and very horny people. Dang people had issues back in the day. On that note

Monday, March 1, 2010

almost there

Dear Whoever:
This week was not the worst or the best. It was suppose to be my only week in the semester without anything due. This did not happen thanks to the organic chemistry exam, that exam was brutal, I thought studied for it well only to find that I had no idea what the heck he was asking about. I stared at that test for four hours and left.
This weekend I went more apartment shopping. I saw many places and yet again have a better idea of where I am going to live. I want to finish this week, I want to sign a contract for next fall winter by Monday. Saturday night, Zach and I; Jeri and her friend Dallen, went out on double date it was total fun. Sunday was good and busy as usual, I watched “The Time Traveler’s Wife” not as good as everyone claimed it was but it was ok.
This week is going to suck; I have so much homework I need to catch up on. Wish me luck