Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Dear whoever
Can you believe it’s the last week of January! I think it is quite amazing that I have been in school for a month. Man I miss the first month of school already, the first month of school is seriously the best. All you have to worry about is keeping up with your reading and attend class. Now I have an O chem. Test to worry about, a religion test, grammar test, and three papers all due in the next two week…..why must BYU suck the fun out of life? Why can’t life be simple, like the first month? It goes like this, every semester you look at the calendar and see the first week of the second month and you say “F my life” ok it’s not that bad but seriously.
My weekend was filled with much of O chem, but aside from that, I actually hung out with my friends for the first time in long time (they are gamers and tend to not get out much). It was way fun, I love those dudes, except Drew, nobody likes Drew, and if you are reading this whoever you are you should hate Drew too, we both know it is the right thing to do . Saturday night me and Zach went out to eat he looked good, I looked like some homeless person he picked up off the side of the road, I bet that is what everyone thought too (I was wearing a T-shirt, sweats, and hair undone, and makeup nonexistent).
Church was cool I got a new calling, I have feared this calling ever since I started going to a single’s ward, ya that’s right I’m the new Sunday school teacher wish me tons of luck….


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I embarrassed myself. Anyway, you looked totally hot in a natural fun way :D
