Sunday, January 24, 2010

Grammer is suck

Dear whoever
This week was ok, I have been spending about 13 hours at school every day, and it’s not even that stressful yet. I have an O chem. test this week, I’m not looking forward to that at all, and I will also have a take home exam I have to complete. This weekend was good, on Friday I and Zach just chilled and watched “The Hangover” it is hilarious. Saturday I did laundry and studied grammar for two hours, and did a practice test and still failed. Did I ever mention how much I hate grammar? And anyway, who cares if I can identify whether this sentence is; simple, compound, complex, or compound complex how is that ever going to be useful to me. That night me Zach and Jeri (and some of her other friends) went to a party in Park city, it was super cool. Too bad I did not see any celebrities  but I did see Bill Murray Secretary ;)

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