Sunday, January 10, 2010

First week back.

This week was the first week back from Christmas vacation, and if you’re wondering Christmas was great. I got to connect with the family which I usually don’t get to do. Being in Florida with the family was like a breath of fresh air which was greatly needed. I don’t know about you but I need a break from happy valley once in a while. Coming back was a pain; my flight arrived late to Atlanta giving me only 15 min. to make it to my next flight. I accidently ended up going to the wrong concourse due to the lack of paying attention and the fact that there were many flights leaving to Salt Lake City. After running around forever, I made to the gate I was supposed to be at and realized that I missed my flight, my back still hurts from carrying the luggage I swear next time I travel my luggage will have wheels .

My first week of school went O.K and my classes seem nice, I am very scared of O.chem at the moment but we will see what will happen. Just keep telling myself “I can do it”.


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