Sunday, February 21, 2010

uh i kinda hate life

Dear whoever:
This week started off with a mess, I had an exam on Tuesday, and on Monday night stayed up till 5 studying for it, probably did not do to well, because the page 2-3 of the exam I had no idea what he was talking about. Then after that I chilled a little too much, and now I have an O Chem exam this week, which I haven’t really started studying for it so I will probably suffer for that. This weekend kinda sucked, Friday was pretty busy, and yet I felt like I got nothing done, had a slumber party with the girls, that was probably the funniest part of this weekend. On Saturday I did not play at all, I went apartment shopping in the morning after 6 hours of sleep and then went straight to the books. Gave my first Sunday school lesson, I think it went well at least that is what people tell me, ofc they did, they have to it’s church. Ok well time to hit the books

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