Sunday, April 18, 2010

something you might not know

This is just some amazing things Israel is doing to Palestinians (aka my people).

Troubled Waters" is a short report about the water problem and the discriminatory policies that Israel imposes on the Palestinian population.
"As the occupier power , Israel has an obligation to take care of the needs of the population under its occupation, and its failing to do so."

Another 3 minute movie about the water problem.
Israel knows that many Palestinians depend on water for income since they work in agriculture. Cutting off water or giving them less supplies of water (that is sometimes polluted) than the settlers next to them makes it hard for them to cultivate the land to sell their crops, and if they manage to do it would be hard to compete in the market. This means that people have no income and they are forced to move out their land, and that makes it possible for Israel to expand and gain those lands as "state lands." Water is important because without it, nothing is possible.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

KH how i hate you

Dear whoever:
Week went well I got my o chem test back and I did well on it. Yet again I’m very surprised. This week KH came in and decided that that they wanted to put in new carpets, which meant that I had to move everything out of my room. I just don’t understand why they couldn’t w8 till I was out of the apartment in two weeks. so now all my stuff is in a pile in the living room, and it sucks cause I can’t find anything oh, and the fact that I’m moving out in two weeks makes it pointless to move thing back into the room. So I’ going to be living off a pile. This weekend was good, I skipped my classes on Friday and had a day off. I hung out with drew and alex and watched riff traxs new moon it was GREAT….then Saturday night me and zach hung out watched rat race which was stupid. We also watched conference , and I’m sad to say I slept through most of it. Well I better peace out